Malcolm Ward
B Soc Sc (Social Administration) 1973
Master of Social Work 1978
Social Work England Registered Social Worker current
DBS Check - enhanced certificate - latest clearance: March 2023
3 years working in West Africa as a secondary school teacher 1973 - 76
Masters degree thesis - Cross cultural social work with West Africans in the UK 1976
29 years as a practitioner, manager and senior manager in Local Authority children's social care / social work (London Borough of Wandsworth 1978-1998 & London Borough of Southwark 2002-Sept 2011)
years as a national children's service manager/regional director with NSPCC (1998-2002)
Management of ACPCs / Local Safeguarding Children Board/s
1992 - 1997 Wandsworth; 2002 - 2011 Southwark; 2011-12 Lewisham - 3 months interim LSCB manager; Aug 2012 - Sept 2013 Wokingham - LSCB development
consultant; May 2014 - March 2015 Merton - interim LSCB Manager; March - November 2015 Consultant to Merton LSCB
Strategic inter-agency and multi-disciplinary management of social work & health child protection services; strategic leadership of multi-disciplinary services to disabled children and their families (Chair of the Wandsworth Inter-Agency Strategic Partnership Board for Disabled Children)
Inter-Agency strategic leadership on Information Sharing and also for Workforce Development for the Children's Strategic Partnership (Southwark) (Chair/Vice Chair of the relevant inter-agency bodies)
Child protection advice/mentoring to agency safeguarding advisers and designated staff
Complex case management; including inter-agency and multi-disciplinary management
Lead Reviewer (Author or Chair) serious case reviews & child safeguarding practice reviews (1996 to present)
Chair - Joint LSCB Child Death Review Overview Panel (Lambeth and Southwark) (to September 2011)
Independent Chair SCR Sub Group - Lambeth SCB (2011 - 2016)
Case auditing - children's social care and inter-agency
Training assessment, co-ordination and direct delivery of a range of specialist and multi-disciplinary one or two day courses and ongoing action learning sets or seminars in child care and child protection; specialist course in developing case supervisors in child protection; & training of designated safeguarding leads in schools and early years settings
Consultation and mentoring
Study conference co-ordination
Facilitator of Action Learning Sets for casework supervisors aimed to enhance reflective supervision theory and skills 2003 - 2019
Faculty Member - University of Warwick Medical School CPD Course in the Management of Unexpected Child Deaths 2008 - 14
Independent Case auditing / quality assurance - (Croydon Children's Services May/June 2012); Southwark Children’s Social Care Summer 2022
Speaker at national and local study conferences: on child death review processes; safe recruitment processes, safeguarding children and teaching reflective and analytic skills to casework and clinical supervisors
Member of DfE/SCRI 'Messages from Research' Advisory Group 2010 - 11 (Advising on Safeguarding children across services published November 2011)
Social Work Registration Assessor for the Health and Care Professionals Council - August 2012 to 2019
Director: Multi-Academy Trust (Secondary and Primary, Alternative Education Provision: 2011 to December 2017
Safeguarding Advisor and Trainer to a local youth charity (SW London) – current (voluntary)
March 2023
Contact details:
07899 057950